V1.3.0.R Firmware Adds CloudPower Hardware Support + More

CloudPower V1.3.0.R is the third major firmware and software release for the CloudPower installation amplifier series, providing full support for CloudPower ‘D’ amplifier models with integral 4×4 Dante networking. The new firmware also offers full support for the Dante retrofit kit, allowing existing CloudPower amplifiers to be integrated into Dante networks. V1.3.0.R additionally supports the sixteen channel CP716D amplifier and for its integral 16×16 Dante networking module.
The IntelliCloud WebUI also gets multiple enhancements in V1.3.0.R, including the ability to view all CloudPower amplifiers of any type connected to a network and new screen layouts, allowing users to comfortably manage CP716D’s sixteen channels from their device. Users will automatically see the latest version when connecting to an amplifier that has been upgraded to V1.3.0.R.
A number of other enhancements and bug fixes complete the V1.3.0.R release, including the ability to select lo-Z / hi-Z mode per channel and upgraded tools for speaker manufacturers wishing to create, manage and protect presets for their loudspeakers.
Key New Features in V1.3.0.R
– Support for 4ch Dante module. The CloudPower Dante board is a plug and play module which is automatically routed to the DSP input. The module is pre-fitted to CP354D, CP704D, CP1504D and CP3004D amplifiers and is available as a retrofit kit for other CloudPower 4 channel models.
– Support for 16ch Dante module. All CP716D amplifiers are pre-fitted with a Dante module which is automatically routed to the DSP input.
– Local and IntelliCloud WebUI support for CP716D. Previously the IntelliCloud WebUI and CloudPower front panel display were configured to display information from four channel devices.
– Single software supports all CloudPower products. The firmware is now identical for all CloudPower amplifiers.
– Lo-Z / Hi-Z mode switchable per channel. This mode automatically enables an appropriate high pass filter to avoid low frequency on a 70V/100V line.
– Control all CloudPower models from the same UI. All CloudPower amplifiers are now properly displayed on the IntelliCloud WebUI. To work correctly together, all amplifiers must be running the same software version.
– Display channel speaker preset. When loading a speaker preset from the IntelliCloud WebUI, the user can choose to overwrite the channel name.
Enhanced Features
– Copy PEQ settings across channels. The method of copying PEQ settings across channels has been updated and improved.
– Real time data speed. The size of packets sent through the network to display real time gain and limiter data has now been roughly halved, decreasing the transmission and processing time.
– Front panel display parameters highlighted. All editable audio parameters are now in green, increasing legibility and aiding navigation.